" Church vs. Pro-Choice Catholic Democrats
No More MNB documents another bit of selective outrage by some members of the Catholic church. You see, Kerry may be disinvited from the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner, a charity fundraiser sponsored by the New York Archdiocese.
They were unconcerned in previous years with attendance by pro-Choice Catholics Giuliani and Pataki. No word on whether those two will be attending or not this year."
By inflicting themselves on the American political process, the Catholic bishops who are publicly talking about denying communion to Kerry and other pro-choice Catholic politicians, they are endangering their own moral authority. There are a lot of Catholics who, regardless of their position on abortion, will rightly be leery of anyone attempting to command their vote. Given the multitude of problems the bishops are facing growing out of their misstewardship of the clergy sex abuse problem, they really should put their own house in order before potentially risking their tax-exempt status in order to selectively enforce their anti-abortion mandate on just a handful of liberal Democratic politicians (with whom, ironically and sadly, they agree on most other issues, such as immigration, fair labor practices, the environment, and opposition to the death penalty). This is not the time for them to raise their profile in such an intrusive way.
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Tom Beck
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