On Wed, 5 May 2004 00:10:29 -0700, Mike Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gary Denton, credulous to the last drop:

sticks and stones

> > I should add that one of the mercenaries conducting the
> > interrogations apparently raped one of the male prisoners.
> > Is that more like Saddam for you Mike?
> Prove it and I'll condemn it. Was it a West Virginia girl? If so, I'm not
> surprised. You know how those West Virginia girls are. Did she use a strap
> on? Did she whittle it while sitting on her front porch playing the banjo?

That was not me, that was the newspaper.

> > Also, because he was not a soldier but a contractor he isn't
> > facing charges.  We don't want to put him in an Iraqi prison,
> > no crime has been committed in the US, and the US doesn't
> > recognize the World Court.
> Where do you get this shit? Seriously, I want to know.

Why don't you read this first sentence:

No civilians, however, are facing charges as military law does not
apply to them. Colonel Jill Morgenthaler, from CentCom, said that one
civilian contractor was accused along with six soldiers of mistreating
prisoners. However, it was left to the contractor to "deal with him".


i could give you more.

> And fuck the World Court with Lynndie's strapon, by the way.

My, my, tsk, rsk.

> > The pictures of US soldiers torturing their captives have the
> > added horror of sexual abuse. In five of the 14 images that
> > the Sunday Herald has seen, a female soldier - identified as
> > Lynndie England, a 21-year-old from a West Virginia trailer
> > park - is playing up to the camera while her captives are
> > tortured. In one picture, she's smiling and giving the
> > thumbs-up. Her hand rests on the buttocks of a naked and
> > hooded Iraqi who has been forced to sit on the shoulders of
> > another Iraqi prisoner.
> Point with alarm! Point with alarm!
> I'm not horrified. I'm annoyed. Somehow, I think Iraqis accustomed to living
> under the real horrors of Saddam will put into context the horrors of being
> sexually harassed by West Virginia trailer trash.
> > In another, she is sprawled laughing over a pyramid of naked
> > Iraqis. A male colleague stands behind her grinning. Later,
> > she's got a cigarette clenched between grinning lips and is
> > pointing at the genitals of a line of naked, hooded Iraqis. A
> > third snap shows her embracing a colleague as a naked Iraqi
> > lies before them.
> Clearly, Private Lynndie needs sensitivity training.
> > on to each other's backs. One dreadful picture features
> > nothing but the bloated face of an Iraqi who has been beaten
> > to death. His body is wrapped in plastic.

> Prove it. Seriously. Dead Iraqis (and dead anybodys) look like hell after
> they die. If the American military is in any widespread way tacitly or
> otherwise condoning and encouraging such abuses, I'll go maddog on them
> instead of just on you stupid liberals. The last thing the last defenders of
> Western civilization need to do is to give free ammunition to you liberal
> slackers.

I present you with the newspaper article and you want me to prove it. 
OK, how many more articles do you want?

> > Other pictures, which the world has not seen, but which are
> > in the hands of the US military, include shots of a dog
> > attacking a prisoner.
> > An accused soldier says dogs are "used for intimidation factors".
> Pictures, not rumours. Please. Thank you.
> > There are also pictures of an apparent male rape. An Iraqi
> > PoW claims that a civilian translator, hired to work in the
> > prison, raped a male juvenile prisoner. He said: "They
> > covered all the doors with sheets. I heard the screaming ...
> > and the female soldier was taking pictures."
> Substantiate or retract. If you don't do either, you are on the other side.

Again, I am presenting you with a newspaper article read by over
hundreds of thousands of people and you want me to prove it,   Losing
your grip a little?

> I'm giving you every chance to ram my words down my throat, like an American
> solder ramming a toilet plunger up an Iraqi prisoner's ass. 

You seem to lose control easy.  Are you are medication for it?  Or are
these your fantasies?

>If you can prove
> it, I'll turn right around and hold Bush to account like I hold you
> anti-Western idiots to account. 

I really doubt that.

>No, it won't make you right, and it won't
> make you smart, but at least it will take my attention off you for a while,
> and isn't that worth something?


> Mike Lee
> Easter Bunny

hugs and kisses
#1 on google for liberal news

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