----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: Disturbing evidence of torture

> At 11:50 AM 4/30/2004 -0500 Dan Minette wrote:
> >1) How strong was the emphasis on getting information vs. keeping
> >professional and humane standards?
> >From what I have gatherered, these incidents were not connected to
> attempts to gain information.   Rather, the Iraqi prisoners appear to
> been tortured for the sheer pleasure of it.

The reason I asked was that one of the alleged perps wrote about having
great methods for getting information.  I don't doubt that these folks were
not professional interrogators, but I was wondering what the framework they
were working in was.  For example, did they get regular reinforcement
helping them understand how bad a single example of torture by the US would
be for their fellow soldiers?

Also, what Gautam said just clicked with who the National Guard unit was.
They had a lot of prison folks involved.  If the US prisons are as bad as
he says, and I have no reason to argue with him, they could take some very
bad views of professionalism with them.  This may very well not be far out
of line from their regular habits.

Dan M.
Dan M.


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