I should add that one of the mercenaries conducting the interrogations
apparently raped one of the male prisoners.  Is that more like Saddam
for you Mike?

Also, because he was not a soldier but a contractor he isn't facing
charges.  We don't want to put him in an Iraqi prison, no crime has
been committed in the US, and the US doesn't recognize the World

The worst pictures of course haven't made it to the US public

The Pictures That Lost The War 
 Neil Mackay 

Sunday, May 2, 2004
Sunday Herald (Scotland) 

The pictures of US soldiers torturing their captives have the added
horror of sexual abuse. In five of the 14 images that the Sunday
Herald has seen, a female soldier - identified as Lynndie England, a
21-year-old from a West Virginia trailer park - is playing up to the
camera while her captives are tortured. In one picture, she's smiling
and giving the thumbs-up. Her hand rests on the buttocks of a naked
and hooded Iraqi who has been forced to sit on the shoulders of
another Iraqi prisoner.

In another, she is sprawled laughing over a pyramid of naked Iraqis. A
male colleague stands behind her grinning. Later, she's got a
cigarette clenched between grinning lips and is pointing at the
genitals of a line of naked, hooded Iraqis. A third snap shows her
embracing a colleague as a naked Iraqi lies before them.

In other pictures, two naked Iraqis are forced to simulate oral sex
and a group of naked Iraqi men are made to clamber on to each other's
backs. One dreadful picture features nothing but the bloated face of
an Iraqi who has been beaten to death. His body is wrapped in plastic.

Other pictures, which the world has not seen, but which are in the
hands of the US military, include shots of a dog attacking a prisoner.
An accused soldier says dogs are "used for intimidation factors".

There are also pictures of an apparent male rape. An Iraqi PoW claims
that a civilian translator, hired to work in the prison, raped a male
juvenile prisoner. He said: "They covered all the doors with sheets. I
heard the screaming ... and the female soldier was taking pictures."

> Mike Lee:

> It's not morally equivalent to what Saddam did (as I've heard several
> media morons saying this morning).
> You have to admit, though, some of those pictures were pretty funny.

Must be fun and games at your house Mike.

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