On Mon, 17 May 2004 16:52:54 -0700 (PDT), Deborah Harrell
> One of the regular features of a late-night program
> (MadTV?) was commercials for the dating service

Yes -

> "Lowered Expectations."  <hums along with the ditty>

lowered expectations..., also starts humming.

> Lo and behold:
> http://my.webmd.com/content/Article/87/99315.htm?printing=true
> "It's not about settling for less; it's realizing that
> sometimes, 'less' occurs and your expectations should
> reflect how to deal with it accordingly," McNulty
> tells WebMD. "But unrealistic expectations can go both
> ways. People can be unrealistically negative, as well.
> If they expect things to be bad, when they are
> actually good, they don't take advantage of that. So
> lowering expectations is not good for everyone..."
> Debbi
> who subscribes to the 'gourami fish theory' of mating

????  That I would have to see ;-)

Breeding gouramis can be a tricky issue though, as they can be
aggressive towards and even kill the females.   Usually, the female is
allowed to settle into the tank first so that she adjusts without
stress, and the male introduced later in a contained "floater", so
that they can watch each other but have no contact.


This usually stimulates him to display and make bubbles, and her to go
into "heat", producing eggs (she will get plump, dull vertical stripes
will get darker on her sides, and a small egg will appear to block her

Kinky and Alien

If she is ready to mate and the male is not too aggressive in his
pursuits (some males are just not mateable at all because they will
beat up even females are responsive),

Males can be  bastards

the two will embrace, almost in a death-like trance, under the
bubblenest. After the female releases eggs and the male fertilizes
them, he will pick the eggs up one-by-one in his mouth and deposit
them into the nest.

Real Kinky

Unless you mean kissing gouramis, who do not build a bubble nest but
just just start kissing along each others sides and get excited until
thousands of sticky eggs are released and then fertized all over the

Messy, but if it was good for you...

Perhaps this subscription to the "gourami fish theory of mating"
relates to your lowered expectations?

Gary - "fishy" maru

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