> Travis Edmunds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >[GaryD:]

> > > Perhaps this subscription to the "gourami fish
> > > theory of mating"
> > > relates to your lowered expectations?

> ><snort of amusement>
> >Exactly the opposite -- I want an equal!
> Don't we all...
> Just out of curiosity though, how exactly would one
> qualify as your equal?

Oh, a Jean-Luc Picard type would do nicely...  ;)

You meant, seriously... Well, he needs to be
intelligent, kind, have a sense of humor, like
animals, and have a very strong will/personality.  The
latter is required because I'm rather strong-willed
myself, and without meaning to, I'd just walk over him
if he didn't speak up.  <shrug>  Not flattering, that
last, but true nevertheless.  Hence my 'gourami fish'
interpretation.  [Of course, in RL certain health
issues have intervened.  Sucks, but them's the
> >why would I settle for a guy I'd have to stifle
> >myself for?
> To maintain an element of control?
> -Travis "dominance can be such a great thing"
> Edmunds

Hmm, have you and Gary N been talking?  <evil grin>

Again seriously, role-playing can be awfully...fun. 
But having to constantly curb your expression of
knowledge or opinions is not only a form of lying, it
leads to resentment and even a low-grade contempt. 
*Not* what I want in a relationship.

My Momma Tole Me That If I Wanted To Know How To
Handle A Man, "Learn To Ride A Mule!" Maru   `;D

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