Dan said:

> The problem I have with evolutionary psychology is that it is an a
> posterori general explaination.

The problem I have with evolutionary psychology and "memetics"
(especially in combination) is that I often find it hard to see what the
theory being proposed actually is. This is especially true of the latter
- I find it difficult to see how much of any given memetic discussion is
just a fairly simple explanation clothed in a language of memes and
feedback loops and so forth, how much depends on specific properties of
given memes in non-obvious ways, and how much of the explanation really
hinges on human psychology itself rather than the memes in question. I
don't get the same problem when reading and thinking about the genetics
or evolution of non-psychological traits or even of behavioural traits
in sociobiology and ethology.

I will certainly think about Keith's messages on the subject more when I
have some free time!


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