Gary Denton wrote:
> > Second, Bruderhof abuse in Google lists almost 3000 pages.
> >
> > Keith Henson
> Try
> or Google Bruderhof critics
> There are "a variety of news sources both critical and supportive of
> the Bruderhof."

        The main Bruderhof in Rifton, NY is about 4 miles away from
my house.  They are good neighbors, but I'm certainly prepared to 
believe that being in their group is no picnic.  
        Some members do study at SUNY New Paltz where I teach.
I could be wrong about this, because the blue headscarves of the
women stand out more, but my impression is that there are a few 
students at a time who come (8 miles away) to attend college.
All the ones I know of are female, and study Education.  I 
presume that they wind up teaching at a private school in 
a Bruderhof.

Not the life for me...

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