At 03:14 PM 21/05/04 -0700, you wrote:
While I was in the Bruderhof neighborhood...


There /is/ an alternative to the "kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" mentality.

Two things:

cathars "god will know his own" in Google brings up almost 400 web pages.

"At Longedoc in July 1209, a force of Crusaders arrived, and demanded that 222 Cathars be surrendered. The people said "we would rather be flayed alive." An error by the defenders of Bezier let thousands of attackers in. Arnold Amorie, head of the Crusade, ordered that everyone, all Catholics and Cathars, be killed, even his own men, since "God will know his own." 20,000 were killed."

Second, Bruderhof abuse in Google lists almost 3000 pages.

Keith Henson


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