Julia Thompson wrote:

My understanding, and I'm sure one of you will correct me if I'm wrong,
is that Catholics believe in transubstantiation.  (Lutherans, too.  At
least, that was the position of Luther....)  Many Protestant
denominations do not.  Including Presbyterians.  At least, that's my
understanding.  (I'm a little removed from the Presbyterian heritage my
father grew up with.)

Not Lutherans. Our belief is "consubstantiation," that Christ is present along with the unchanged reality of the elements. This was Luther's position, which he illustrated with an analogy of fire and iron -- put iron into fire and they are united, with the iron becoming red-hot, but they are still fire and iron.

I have some familiarity with Luther.

I have some familiarity with Calvin.

I'm not really familiar with Erasmus. Nutshell description?

More sarcastic... ;-)


Nick Arnett
Director, Business Intelligence Services
LiveWorld Inc.
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