On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 11:12:13 -0700 (PDT), Deborah Harrell
> > Gary Denton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Take the philosopher survey:
> > http://selectsmart.com/PHILOSOPHY
> >
> > me - 1.  Kant (100%)
> > 2.  John Stuart Mill (95%)
> > 3.  Jean-Paul Sartre (76%)
> > 4.  Epicureans (75%)
> <snip>
> Weeell, my results weren't what I expected (except
> that Nietzsche & Ann Rand were low on my list, and no
> matches to Hobbes):
> 1.  Aquinas   (100%)
> 2.  Aristotle   (85%)
> 3.  Spinoza   (78%)
> 4.  St. Augustine   (73%)
> 5.  Nel Noddings   (68%)
> I've never heard of that last: "Traditional western
> ethics has oppressed female voices...We should look to
> traditional women's practices as a way of determining
> our ethics...We should use an ethics of care:
> emphasizing loving others, meeting needs, and
> nurturing."
> OK, that kinda fits...  :)
> I really object to the Augustine part, as the blurb
> goes:
> "Happiness is a union of the soul with God after one
> has died.
> Bodily pleasures are relatively inferior to spiritual
> pleasures.
> Philosophical reasoning is not the path to wisdom and
> happiness.
> A love of God and faith in Jesus is the only path to
> happiness.
> God is the one to allow people to practice the love of
> God.
> One must love God in order to fulfill moral law.
> People are inherently evil; only the grace of God (or
> is it merit to be saved?) can save them."
> I _so_ disagree with each one of those statements! >:/
> 'after death' "only path" "inherently evil" "must"...
> Bah!!!
> Debbi
> whose favorite St. Augustine quote is "Lord, make me
> chaste - but not yet"  ;)

That is odd that they have you are ranked 85% following Aristotle.  I
have heard other people complain that they have one philosopher ranked
higher or lower than another which they disagreed with but in your
case it seems like some questions  scored opposite.

If I wasn't so busy I would check into their scoring system.

Gary Denton  - This is only a test Maru

#1 on google for liberal news digest

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