Doug Pensinger wrote:
> David Hobby wrote:
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E
> > The twist at the end obviously took a lot of work to set up, and
> > I think a lot of that was well done.  It didn't really hit me as
> > one might wish it too, but I don't see how to rewrite it to make
> > it work better.
> >
> I just didn't buy into the jovial, friendly Grail expert being the
> manipulative Teacher and that all of a sudden the previously evil Cardinal
> and his albino henchman were the Teacher's poor, misused victims.
> --
> Doug

Oh, that twist!  As I recall, that was 100 pages from the end.
(Yes, a fair-sized book.)  I thought you meant the ironic
"big pile of historical documents was actually there all 
along" thing.

Buy into?  By then, that wasn't really an issue for me.  The
twist felt as plausible as the rest of it.  The Grail expert
has unfortunately been driven mad by his obsession, just as
happened to some of Arthur's best knights.  As for religious
figures being duped, many people would find that quite 
plausible.  : )

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