JDG wrote:

At 10:32 AM 8/7/2004 +0200 Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:

When it threatened to decrease the number of flock considerably or more to the point when contraception started interfering with the power base of the holy church.

Is it so inconceivable that maybe - just maybe - they sincerely believe that God does not want us to engage in contraception?

Well we have to do *something* to get us to the promised final judgement day. A serious amount of over population created in a short time span might just do the trick. Seen in that light it is indeed plausible that God doesn't want us to engage in contraception. As for the folk of the cloth... imo they are not known for their benovolence in matters concerning their amount of worldly powers. But maybe that is just the way Gods will works. :o) Who knows. But untill there is more tangible evidence other then simply believing in the existance of a spiritual being I'm not willing to opress others with my points of view.

GCU: Conceptive ;o)


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