JDG wrote:
Come on, surely if God can regulate the eating of crustaceans and hoofed
animals, surely he can regulate contraception!

Not that I personally believe those parts of the bible were put there under a genuine divine inspiration, they are at least in the bible.
My question, as it has been the last four times I've asked it, is when and how did popes, bishops, priests etc get involved in contraception, because it is not in the bible. If they were talking about crustaceans and hoofed animals, they can point to specific passages to back up their position, but for contraception it's just Rome's edict.

The Catholic Church objects to calling children an impediment to the
quality of life.

Tell that to the missionaries in Ethiopia, where it's an even bet whether overpopulation or AIDS is going to kill you.
Tell that to the missionaries in inner-city shelters working with crack-heads who are popping out babies that cannot care for, even if the baby wasn't doomed by a neo-natal addiction.

I have three children from 2 intentional breaks in contraception, and until very recently did not have the resources to raise them as I would have liked - I'd hate to think how a catholic family who genuinely avoided artificial contraception and enjoyed a healthy, loving, intimate relationship would cope.

Cheers Russell C.


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