> At 10:53 PM 8/8/2004 -0500 Dan Minette wrote:
> >
> >
> >> At 10:14 PM 8/8/2004 -0500 Dan Minette wrote:
> >> >> >>And dropping bombs on Saddam Hussein's armies was not evil.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >So, the action of killing conscripts of Hussein, many of whom
> >there
> >> >> >because they had no choice, in inherently an acceptable action?
> >> >
> >> >> You are changing the subject.   Not once have I ever said that it
> >> >> "inherently acceptable", I merely said that it was *not*
> >> >> evil."
> >> >
> >> >but you also said:
> >> >
> >> >The killing of innocent people is an objective evil.   (True)
> >> >
> >> >So, the logical conclusion is that you believe that the soldiers in
> >> >Hussein's army are not innocent because they accepted their
> >> >instead of death or torture.  Is that it?
> >>
> >> Yes, I do not believe that they are "innocent."   I think that even
> >> would describe them as having chosen the "lesser evil", would you
> >In
> >> which, case, they are still engaging in evil.
> >
> >As I would think of anyone who engages in killing.  Killing another
> >being is an inherently evil act.  You are arguing that the end
> >the means.  War cannot be justified as an end in itself, it must be
> >justified by another end.
> I disagree that killing anorther human being is an inherently evil act.
> Killing an innocent human being directly (murder) is an inherently evil
> If, however, killing another human being is an inherently evil act,
then I
> would be guilty of a mortal sin by taking a vacation and ordering
> take-out-pizza instead of sending all of my consumption spending to
> refugees in Darfur or fund mosquito nets in Congo.   

Indeed isn't that what this false deity jebus you supposedly follow said
his followers should do?  Give away all possessions, feed the poor, help
the week?  Why do you disobey your so-called deity?

Of course we all know JDG puts the Republican Party Above the Pope, and
the Pope above the words of a half-deity no-one can prove lived, and the
words of a half-deity no-one can prove lived above science.

shepherds are predators who FOOL sheep into a false sense of security....
they fleece and slaughter sheep for their own benefit...even in sincerity
-posted somewhere

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