Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Mercies of The Vatican
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 22:03:19 EDT


Gene space arguments are fine if you're discussing creatures with no clear
sense of self-awareness or consequences for actions, such as bacteria or
tobacco company attorneys. Once you install a sense of "I", things change.


Keep in mind, that a sense of "I" is limited entirely to the "I".

Why do you think that?

Because humanity hasn't been assimilated into the Borg Collective yet...

<Serious> We, as individuals, draw our own subjective lines in the proverbial sand. Thus my original sentence contra the overly optimistic generalization of Warren.

One way to think of consciousness is an biographer who looks
at the actions of the subject and then makes up a story to explain why the
subject did such and so.

That certainly is interesting. But how is it even remotely justifiable to equate human action with a state that can be seen as little more than muscle memory, or some such trigger?

Of course in exploring that, we come full circle back to the general sense of "I"...


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