Gautam Mukunda wrote:

Sonja, I'll make you a deal.  If you stop making
excuses for people who participated in the Holocaust,
I'll stop calling you on it when you do it.

No deal. Your basic presumption is flawed. Not every German during the holocaust was automatically and without exception a participant in the holocaust and a jew murdering nazi. Since already this premise for your insults towards me is false, your insults, i.e. that I'm excusing/denying the holocaust and thus must be a nazi, is, since it is based on this premise, also false.

Which still leaves the questions I've originally asked about accountabillity and information flow, for your benefit rephrased as unoffensively as possible, by now still conveniently unanswered. This to me proves a point about you and your world view and your inabillity to look and act beyond it. Since you aren't able to discuss this issue and insist on repeating the insults towards me without me giving you cause I believe, I'll just let it go.

GCU: End of discussion


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