--- David Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The> South is part of the United States. 
> and went on to screech at me that I am a bigoted so
> and so.

Actually, Dr. Brin, the word is _snob_.  You're a
_snob_.  Do you have a coherent objection to WalMart? 
I have no idea, although I rather doubt it.  But your
problem with WalMart, it's pretty obvious, is the
people who shop at it.  And losing a policy argument
would imply that you're making one (you're not - a
hint - ad hominem attacks and calling everyone who
disagrees with you a traitor does not an argument
make).  And, Dr. Brin, given the history of our
discussions, and your repeated (and
unreturned)personal insults of not just me, but
everyone who disagrees with you (but, to be fair,
particularly me and John) insults so obvious that
_even you_ have occassionally had to take them back, I
don't think you're well placed to talk about
screeching.  Not at all.

I _loathe_ snobbery, so I react rather strongly to
frothing at the mouth ravings by an elitist, well,
bigot, yes, I guess that is the right word.  Thanks
for suggesting it.

Those Southerners.  They like to watch cars racing and
shooting guns and it's just *icky*.  If they'd just go
away this would be such a better country.  That about
summarizes your point.  Why else would you rant about
NASCAR?  As if you could tell the difference between
Dale Earnhardt and Dale Jarrett if one of them passed
you on the highway.  There are two Dale Earnhardts, by
the way.

Bullshit.  Those Southerners who fight our wars and
stiffen our collective national spine - and, Dr. Brin,
for all your politically convenient hagiography of
veterans, your lack of respect for the culture that
produces a vastly disproportionate number of them is
both overwhelming and nauseating - are an essential
part of the cultural fabric of our nation, and the key
part of what makes us different from Sweden (for

The Democratic Party hasn't drifted left on any
issues?  What nonsense.  The moral blinders are
astonishing.  Abortion.  Pro-gay rights.  Pro gun
control.  I might agree with all of those things (in
fact, I do with at least the first two, and sort of
the third).  Affirmative action (where I'm more
ambivalent).  Obscenity.  Pornography.  The steady
coarsening of American culture.  This would be the
Democratic Party that nominated George McGovern and
wanted to "come home America"?  The one that spent the
second half of the Cold War emulating Neville
Chamberlain?  Compare the national consensus in 1970
to where we are today is obvious.  The difference is
that these are _cultural_ issues and (as they usually
do in wealthy countries) cultural issues are more
important than economic ones.  Your particular source
of rage is they have the gall to think for themselves,
instead of just listening to you tell them what's good
for them.  Well good for them, because sure as hell
_you're_ not looking out for their interests.

So don't even think on standing on your high horse and
yelling at me.  It ain't that high, and I've gone toe
to toe with people a _lot_ more intimidating than you.
 I'm not some scared undergraduate you can bully to
cover up your own inadequacies.  The sheer arrogance,
the self-righteousness and moral shallowness, of
thinking that a discussion between peers (which is
what John is to you, whatever you think) is
enlightening them boggles my mind.  Why he bothers to
engage with you I have no idea, but all your abuse of
him does is show the roots of rage that lie at the
heart of what you believe, not in any way demonstrate
that what you say makes sense.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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