> Actually, Dr. Brin, the word is _snob_.  You're a
> _snob_.  Do you have a coherent objection to
> WalMart? > I have no idea, although I rather doubt
it.  But> your> problem with WalMart, it's pretty
obvious, is the> people who shop at it.  

Now this is yet another screech and a damned lie.

Please notice, he still does not address issues that
are related to policy.  Or to the sociology of the
evolution of southern conservatism.  No, he resorts to
the chief GOP weapon for 12 years (with a brief hiatus
during the Dole Campaign) of personal attack.

In fact, my objection to WalMart deal entirely with
their war against the working poor.  

While they undercult and destroy mom and pop stores
everywhere they go, that might be seen as somewhat of
an acceleration of an already extant social
phenomenon.  Target and KMart do the same thing,
though less ruthlessly.

No, it is the savagery with which they squelch union
organizing, using techniques that were actually
outlawed a century ago, but which are no enforced in
sweetheart deals with regulators.

The result is a slavocracy of several hundred thousand
americans working long hours under brutal conditions
for sub-par pay and no benefits.  And this is s
subsidy of Walmart when their competitors have union

In this one area, I find Bill Clinton (a fellow
Arkansan to Sam Walton) as criminally negligent as the

>And losing a policy argument
> would imply that you're making one (you're not - a
> hint - ad hominem attacks and calling everyone who
> disagrees with you a traitor does not an argument
> make). 

I have not called you names, Gautam, whereas you call
me names every single time.  That's every single time.

Yes, I consider the present administration to be
utterly monstrous. So much so that I believe they are
evil at every level.  I believe the evidence is

Take the way hundreds of material witnesses were
spirited out of the country ON 9/11... the only people
allowed to fly in american airspace that day...
because they were Saudis and pals of the Nomenklatura.

But I have not applied names to you.

 And, Dr. Brin, given the history of our
> discussions, and your repeated (and
> unreturned)personal insults of not just me, but
> everyone who disagrees with you 

This is a damnable lie.  An outright and knowing and
deliberate lie.

(but, to be fair,
> particularly me and John) insults so obvious that
> _even you_ have occassionally had to take them back,
> I
> don't think you're well placed to talk about
> screeching.  Not at all.

You certainly are screeching, Gautam.  I have seen not
a scintilla of argument about policy anywhere in this

And there is a reason.  There are no policies that
this administration can brag about except the one it
repeats over n' over.

"Funny-lookin' furriners hate us and attacked us. 
Kill em!  Kill em all!!!"

Dig it. We now hold 10% of Iraq.  The fraction that we
hold declines daily while we are recruiting new
terrorists with every scene that broadcasts across Al
Jazeera.  Broadcasts SPONSORED by some of the people
Cheney spirited out of the country on 9/11

W taunted the Iranian people into re-embracing their
Mullahs at the EXACT moment when it looked like the
people might turn away from them.

Such timing - it's so perfect that it can only be
deliberate.  ANd notice that every single act favors
the interests of Riyadh.

You never address that, Gautam.  My huge list of
evidence THAT these guys are traitors.

If you do not like the accusation, defend them, stop

> I _loathe_ snobbery, so I react rather strongly to
> frothing at the mouth ravings by an elitist, well,
> bigot, yes, I guess that is the right word.  Thanks
> for suggesting it.

Go to hell.  You are a snob and a coward.

> Those Southerners.  They like to watch cars racing
> and
> shooting guns and it's just *icky*.  If they'd just
> go
> away this would be such a better country.  That
> about
> summarizes your point.  Why else would you rant
> about
> NASCAR?  As if you could tell the difference between
> Dale Earnhardt and Dale Jarrett if one of them
> passed
> you on the highway.  There are two Dale Earnhardts,
> by
> the way.
> Bullshit.  Those Southerners who fight our wars and
> stiffen our collective national spine - and, Dr.
> Brin,
> for all your politically convenient hagiography of
> veterans, your lack of respect for the culture that
> produces a vastly disproportionate number of them is
> both overwhelming and nauseating - are an essential
> part of the cultural fabric of our nation, and the
> key
> part of what makes us different from Sweden (for
> example).
> The Democratic Party hasn't drifted left on any
> issues?  What nonsense.  The moral blinders are
> astonishing.  Abortion.  Pro-gay rights.  Pro gun
> control.  I might agree with all of those things (in
> fact, I do with at least the first two, and sort of
> the third).  Affirmative action (where I'm more
> ambivalent).  Obscenity.  Pornography.  The steady
> coarsening of American culture.  This would be the
> Democratic Party that nominated George McGovern and
> wanted to "come home America"?  The one that spent
> the
> second half of the Cold War emulating Neville
> Chamberlain?  Compare the national consensus in 1970
> to where we are today is obvious.  The difference is
> that these are _cultural_ issues and (as they
> usually
> do in wealthy countries) cultural issues are more
> important than economic ones.  Your particular
> source
> of rage is they have the gall to think for
> themselves,
> instead of just listening to you tell them what's
> good
> for them.  Well good for them, because sure as hell
> _you're_ not looking out for their interests.
> So don't even think on standing on your high horse
> and
> yelling at me.  It ain't that high, and I've gone
> toe
> to toe with people a _lot_ more intimidating than
> you.
>  I'm not some scared undergraduate you can bully to
> cover up your own inadequacies.  The sheer
> arrogance,
> the self-righteousness and moral shallowness, of
> thinking that a discussion between peers (which is
> what John is to you, whatever you think) is
> enlightening them boggles my mind.  Why he bothers
> to
> engage with you I have no idea, but all your abuse
> of
> him does is show the roots of rage that lie at the
> heart of what you believe, not in any way
> demonstrate
> that what you say makes sense.
> =====
> Gautam Mukunda
> "Freedom is not free"
> http://www.mukunda.blogspot.com
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