Gautam Mukunda wrote:

But _failed_ peacemakers are much weaker on defense,
and the worst of all types is the one who can't tell
the difference between people you _can_ make peace
with and people you can't.

To which the most reasoned response I can think of is... well, duh. I have received no enlightenment from that.

Really?  So, say, FDR wasn't strong on defense?  I'm
going to keep hammering this point until you
acknowledge it, Nick.  Just sitting around and saying
peace is better than war is gibberish.  It's actually
immoral.  War is better than some peaces.  If you're
not willing to make that judgment, then you're
basically just relying on other people who _are_
willing to make that judgment to defend your freedom,
because you aren't.

Hammer all you like, you're not even in the vicinity of what I believe.



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