> Gautam also pointed out the vast litany of social
> issues on which Democrats
> are perceived as having moved left - abortion, gay
> marriage, religion in
> the public square, defense of pornography and
> obscenity on television, etc.

More bullshit.  Obscenity & pornography have not
worsened in 20 years.  Under Clinton, teen pregnancy
rates, crime, domestic violence, drug use, ALL WENT
PLUMMETING DOWNWARD... along with poverty, bankruptcy
rates, and the national debt.

Gay marriage is a triviality that is forced upon us by
imbecilles of BOTH the left and right while most of us
could not care less.

As for abortion, it - too - has not changed in 30
years.  It has become the centerpiece of the Right for
the simple reason that they need an absolute litmus of
good-evil to fall back on when their total lack of
policy issues is brought to light.

1) It has not changed in 30 years.

2) The biggest reason for the right to cling to it is
the Jesus Effect.

Ask yourself what political party Jesus would favor if
he came today.  He's be as pink as Fonda!  You guys
needed a simple issue to reverse this.  "Baby killing"
served nicely.  Jesus might be a socialist, but he'd
be on our side to save babies.

I can sympathize with that.  Indeed, the philosophical
issue can have some standing and when I meet a
conservative person who wants to discuss abortion, I
will listen humbly and argue with respect...

... if he has adopted a child or tithed 10% per year
to help care for orphans.  To care for all the
unwanted mouths there will be to feed.

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