Gautam Mukunda wrote:
> --- Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Gautam Mukunda wrote:
>>> Again, the truncation.  Weird.
>> Repost of trunication:
> I'm not being clear, sorry.  I can _read_ what you
> write, I just can't _respond_ to it, because as soon
> as I hit "reply", I get the truncation message.  I'm
> trying to figure it out...maybe I'll switch list-mail
> to my MIT account?  That's a thought...

Or we could agree to snip the discussion down to a more manageable
size if that would help. (I can now understand some of the selective
snipping I have seen from you. Glad to see that it is not evasion or
that you are too busy to bother<G>)

>> It matters greatly. If it costs 50 cents in gas to
>> go to WalMart, and
>> my corner food mart is being competetive, then it
>> may be in my
>> interest to stay in my neighborhood and avoid the
>> aggravation of a
>> longer drive.
> Sure, but what I mean is, WalMart is so well managed,
> while I'm all in favor of the general discounting, it
> doesn't seem to be enough to keep them competitive.
> WalMart beats everyone else by _a lot_.

That may be a regional variation. Here WalMart always (AFAICT) has the
best price but it is only by a nominal amount. That may reflect the
low prices overall in this region, but I've seen the same pricing
structure in Mississippi and Tennessee. Alabama also I believe. So
some areas may benefit much more than others, which would explain why
we see things differently in regards to various aspects of this

Does WalMart price everything at the national level?
Anyone know?

>> As things stand it isn't just food markets being
>> impacted, it is also
>> big chains such as Best Buy. You have to have
>> noticed that WalMart has
>> a toe in everyones door.
>> I think other retailers are concerned and reacting
>> with price drops
>> and targetted ads.
> Yeah, and, I mean, isn't that great?  Shouldn't we all
> be in favor of that?  That's more money in our pockets
> (yours and mine) and less in the hands of the
> storeowners and, eventually, their stockholders. benefits me so it is a good thing.<G>

>> xponent
>> But I Am Evil<G> Maru
>> rob
> Hehe.  I expressed a desire (to my _Mom_) to at least
> once in my life be described as an "evil genius" a
> couple of weeks ago.

I am evil
I have a genius IQ
I walk like a duck
I quack like a duck
And I bark by the light of the moon
Any questions?

 I Do A Pretty Good Moo Also Maru


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