Dave Land wrote:
> Alberto,
> > Is there any way to implement this authomatically?
> > Namely: whenever He requests to be removed, the list
> > admins remove the auto-send to His mailbox for some
> > (unknown) time.
> Is there any /need/ to implement this automatically?
> With all the bragging about intelligence and accomplishment
> that goes on around here, I'd think that we were bright enough
> to remember to change the subject so as to avoid distracting
> our favorite Sci-Fi author from his work.
> If you're too busy or important (or dumb or lazy) to remember
> to edit the subject when you reply to the list, perhaps you're
> too (insert your favorite justification here) to post in the
> first place.

Scatterbrained.  You forgot scatterbrained.  :)  That would be my usual
excuse.  (Although I try.  In fact, at times, I'm trying.  Very

Also, in a more serious vein, anger can cloud one's judgement -- so
don't post angry.  (Cue scene from "Groundhog Day" where Bill Murray has
stolen the truck and the groundhog....)  Not only may you regret the
post later, but you're also more likely to forget little things like
editing the subject line appropriately.

Oh, and I think that the whole changing-the-subject-line deal doesn't
necessarily have to do with intelligence.  You can be extremely
intelligent and accomplished, AND absent-minded, all at once.  (What D&D
characteristic would it fall under?  Wisdom?  You can be walking around
with an int of 17 or 18 and a wis of 5.  I've known people with an int
of 18 and a wis of 6 or 7.  It can be extremely un-pretty at times.)


just a few cents

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