----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Minette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: Help! Offshoring/Outsourcing

> No, he is arguing for the only realistic way to improve the lot of the
> in the world.  Indeed, I'd argue that its not our responsibility to
> products from India because wages in India are too low.  Its the
> responsibility of the government of India, which is fairly
> to do this.

Rereading this, I think I was a bit unclear in my writing.  Its the
responsibility of the government of India to write labor laws that are in
the best interest of the people of India.  If a minimum wage would be a
good thing, it would be that government's responsibility to define that
wage and to ensure that companies comply with it.  It is not the
responsiblity of the United States to judge what's in the best interest of

If India were ruled by a totalitarian government, then interference might
be justified.  If it were ruled by a genocidal minority (as in the Sudan),
then interference would be justified.  But, since the government of India
is elected...even with all the problems that Ritu mentions, its far better
for that government to determine the best interest of India instead of you
and me.  They have thrown the old rascels out just recently, so it clearly
can be done.  It's the responsibility of the citizens of India to make sure
that the new government does a good job or to find someone that will. IMHO,
India is improving, so I think the people are doing there job reasonably
well.  But, that's just my opinion, Ritu's opinion is far more important
than mine in this situation.

We both have the right to our opinion; but my primpary responsibility is
towards good government in the US and hers is towards good government in

Dan M.


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