On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 07:10:48PM +1000, Andrew Paul wrote:

> Our recent election turned out to be a mini-landslide for the
> incumbent conservative Liberal party. Newspaper headlines on the
> morning of the poll were still calling it a 50/50 race, based on some
> professional polls.

What was the margin of error of the poll? Quantify your "landslided",
how much did the winner get?

> I was wondering if the public may have been clever enough to have been
> a bit mischievous during the polling, by making it appear closer, they
> may well have squeezed another billion or two out of our formerly
> stingy PM,

Before I were to consider this rather unlikely possibility, I would
first consider the possibility that the election was rigged.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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