----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: Help! Offshoring/Outsourcing

> Erik Reuter wrote:
> ><snipped>
> >
> >
> >Here are some possibilities:
> >
> >    *<snipped long list of what to do instead of advocating for
boycotting third world goods in order to retain moral superiority>
> >
> >
> >There are lots more constructive things that Seth Stevenson could do.
> >But urge his First World readers to join him in boycotting the products
> >of Third World labor, and so virtually smash the looms that are the best
> >current option of the inhabitants of Desperately Poor Village? No. No!
> >No!! No!!!! No!!!!!!!!
> >
> >
> >
> Actually in the chosen analogy the most sensible thing to do would be to
> go into the village and buy a doormat from the producer, then advocate
> the product to other tourists, who might also be interested to do the
> same.... But that is by far too simplistic of course.

But, the overhead of flying to India to buy the doormat would be much more
than the cost of the middleman. :-)   Certainly, buying directly from the
producers while you are there is reasonable....but many many more people
buy doormats than go to India.

Dan M.


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