Sorry about the time lapse in the thread, but I had to seriously cool off before I did something rash.

Nick Arnett wrote:

Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:

[Various complaints snipped.]

From the e-mail that *everyone* receives when they subscribe:

"Your first messages will be moderated. If you do not see your message appear on the list,
give it some time, and if it still hasn't appeared in a few hours, e-mail the admins.
Please don't send the same message repeatedly."

How much more transparent can we be?

How about something along the line of: 'As a new member your first ten messages will be moderated. If further moderation is in order you will be informed accordingly.' And when people are moderated suddenly (like you did to me a couple of times) it would be nice to be informed of the reason and the time you think it'll take to resolve the problem.
I hope that isn't too rational for you?

Wouldn't it be more transparent to the newer people to note your relationship to the Netherlander who was at the center of so much trouble related to moderation?

I guess you are talking about your percieved nemesis that is my husband who once was one of the greater members of brin-l.

Any transparency you're like to offer about "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"?

Huh? What are you talking about? It's not one of mine. I checked.

But since we are throwing accusations around is there any chance on giving me some transparency on the refusal to subscribe any (all three in fact) of my other freeler adresses _you'd_ like to offer?


Shees indeed. I'm still wondering what all this gall's got to do with MY complaint. I'm my own person and I think I've earned my stripes on this list for being an earnest, concerned and carefull poster. Thus this, your behaviour towards _me_ is totally unwarrented and completely undeserved.

I've been subject to a number of your 'returned mail' because of 'rejected by the moderator' surprises. No explaination ever recieved. You know how very injust that feels when in the middle of a heated discussion conducted by the rules of politeness? I for one feel very insulted and totally ticked off. I don't mind being moderated but at least I'd like to know why I'm being moderated and how long this is going to last for. And that is exactly BECAUSE your motives in moderating f.i. little ol' me, cannot always be considered innocuous, as shown perfectly by your response toward what I see as a valid complaint from me as a person previously subjected to what I at the time percieved to be moderation on a whim.

Sonja :o(
GCU: Lack of empathy

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