Does anyone else hear use Itunes extensively? I was wondering if anyone else has noticed some of the idiosyncrasies/problems that I have. A short list:

1. Shuffle. While I think that over a long time span the shuffle is essentially random, I've noticed that over a shorter period it seems to emphasize certain albums/artists (I'm working with a 4-5 thousand song database).

2. Clipping songs. Sometimes songs are cut off before they finish playing. I'm pretty sure the same songs are effected time and again - in other words it's not a random problem, but I have no idea why these particular songs have problems. I am careful when I record my albums to refrain from all other activity on the computer so I don't think that I've corrupted the files, but I suppose that automatic stuff could be interfering.

3. Categorizing. The program has a real problem categorizing albums as compilations. It almost never categorizes the real compellations properly but often categorizes regular albums as compilations. Very irritating! You can select weather or not it is a compilation when you record it but it seems to me that this should be pretty easy to automate in the software.

4. A friend of mine records his songs in m4A format and has a problem with the albums and song titles being automatically named in Itunes - he has to go through and name them one by one, but the folder and file names are correct. When I copy some of his stuff, I have the same problem, but I never have the problem when I record albums (using mp3)

That's all I can think of right now.


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