Eliminate Windows and you'll eliminate spam. As well as proximally all viruses extant today.

"So what your saying is that, programers wouldnt be able to create a viris that could infect a mac OS?, or any other os that is not windows based?" LMAO im sorry this is about the funniest thing that i ahve ever read on this list..... even funnier then the whole thread on Social Security... hahahahaha

seriously now, if we were to look at it in this manner, then why would we ever leave our homes, get jobs and try and better ourseleves? lets look at mount everest.... would it ever have been climbed? nope i doubt it... haha why did we climb it... casue it was there. Take the MS OS out of the equation... say 5 yrs from now..... leaving any other upstart to take over the market share.... you actualy think that programmers witht he knowledge and skill are going to jsut say... w00t w00t MS is goone lets not bother tring to make a viris that can attack these other OS's. LOL not likely... all it would take is for one "expert" to asay it cant be done... and 50 ppl will ahve done it in less then 1 month... then the flood gates would be open. MAC is not targeted as it does not ahve a high enough market share for anyone to really bother with it..... but I tell you if the statement was made today that it is impossible to reate a viris that can affect the MAC os then someone would do it, just to prove it can be done.

I love talking to low end mac users that say "i cant get a viris im on a MAC", then talk to a HIgh end user "well im sure that i dont have a viris... but you know what it is possible that i may get one, it will only take a person to decide to do it and it will be done... and when it happens there will be some pissed off mac users"


when edison was asked about how it felt to fail 200 times before making a lightbulb that worked, edison replied... "i never failed i jsut found 200 ways not to make a lightbulb"

Nick "your a MAC viris" Lidster


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