The world nearly lost a peculiar piece of Mexico's cultural tradition
this week after the government, without regard to drinkers anywhere,
targeted the lowly worm at the bottom of the mezcal bottle for
It seems that the worm was almost a victim of Mexico's labyrinthine
bureaucracy, which sought to remove it with a set of new laws
governing the production of mezcal -- a liquor similar to tequila --
that are set to go into effect tomorrow.

The effort to remove the worm came amid concerns of the worm's high
fat content.

If you make it to the bottom of a bottle of mezcal, a fatty worm is
the least of your problems. But officials say they were worried that
fat globules alter the chemical composition of mezcal, made from the
blue agave cactus, the same raw material used to make tequila.

After learning of the anti-worm legislation, mezcal producers swung
into action, lobbying and producing studies that show that the worm
poses no health risks. The government reversed course, saving not just
the worm, but in all likelihood the mezcal industry.

"It would have been devastating," said New York-born Douglas French,
who exports Oaxacan mezcal, with a scorpion instead of a worm, to the
United States. "It's an old beverage for Mexico, but it's new for the
world and its trademark is the worm."

French estimates that sales, especially for mezcal exported abroad,
would have plunged without the worm, perhaps as much as 70 percent.

The worm's history is steeped in folklore and also a little bit of

While some trace the worm's lineage to Aztec times, others say the
worm is nothing more than a modern marketing gimmick. The Del Maguey
Single Village Mezcal company claims that a young entrepreneur named
Jacobo Lozano Paez stumbled onto the idea when a worm hiding inside an
agave plant mistakenly got included in a batch of mezcal in 1950.

Regardless of its origins, the worm has been imbued with all sorts of
powers: Some believe it can cause hallucinations; in Japan, drinkers
believe the worms to be aphrodisiacs and demand multiple worms in
their bottles. For Mexicans and tourists alike, eating the worm can be
a rite of passage.

Two kinds of worms, actually butterfly larvae, live in the leaves of
the agave plant and are also commonly eaten as food in Oaxaca. The
mezcal itself is made from the sugar-rich heart of the agave plant,
which is baked in a rock oven, helping give mezcal a smoky flavor.

Beyond the worm crisis, mezcal producers are eagerly awaiting the new
rules, which will create stricter production standards for mezcal,
much as the government does with tequila. Producers hope the
certification process, which includes government regulation and
approval, leads to the same explosion in popularity that tequila has

Connoisseurs say there is even more potential for mezcal. Tequila
(which never includes a worm) is made from just one variety of the
agave plant -- agave tequilana Weber -- which flourishes in the state
of Jalisco. Mezcal can be made from any of a dozen agave varieties.

"It's like grapes for wine, every grape has a different flavor,"
French said. "There's a whole rainbow of flavors and people can start
zeroing in on the one they prefer."

High-grade mezcal is already catching some of tequila's wave and
acceptance as a serious, high-quality drink.

But for now, producers say exports depend on the worm. And for now,
the worm is safe, patiently waiting at the bottom of the bottle.


Drink Up Maru



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