* Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Dan Minette wrote:
> >It's that SS payments are tied to an index that has gone up faster
> >than the cost of living for 70 years...
> Except that that's not true.

Except that, if you have an intelligent point at all, you are quibling
on a minor detail that does not change the point Dan and I are making.
The increases were not explicitly tied to wages before 1977 (I didn't
say they were, by the way, I said they had been indexed to wages "for
years" because I couldn't remember the year 1977 at the time I made my
post). But benefits were increasing even faster than wages before 1977,
so that line of argument will get you no where.


Actually, I suspect you don't have a point at all but are just trying to
avoid admitting you made an incorrect statement out of ignorance. Maybe
you would do better if you retreat to airplane metaphors. At least then
you just look like you are avoiding the question, rather than appearing
a complete fool.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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