Dan said:

> I glanced at that book and saw a couple of references to how string theory
> should get rid of infinities.  I saw nothing that indicated that he said
> that quantum indeterminacy would go away.  Getting rid of infinities is
> quite plausible, I think.  I'm still working on showing how getting rid of
> indeterminacy would be a shocking reversal of QM....akin to finding the
> aether.

I've read that book and some more technical articles on string theory.
While I couldn't claim to understand even bosonic string theory (let
alone superstring theory!) at any more than a cursory level, it doesn't
remove quantum indeterminacy. Indeed, it's usual so far as I can tell to
treat the two-dimensional string worldsheet as the "main" spacetime and
then to consider the coordinates on our large four dimensional spacetime
and the bundle of other smaller dimensions as quantum fields on that
spacetime using methods akin to those of quantum field theory.


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