--- JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After all, you have> previously defined the
> Democrats on this List as being the Party that
> favored *every*> big-government program over the
past 100-or-so years> over Republican> opposition.  
That is an awful lot of history to> jujitsu.

A typical outright and deliberate lie.

TWENTIETH CENTURY.  Excluding Teddy Roosevelt, NONE of
them have unambiguous roots in the GOP... although I
do admire Eisenhower and credit him with helping
Truman and Marshall to achieve many miracles,
including calm containment of the USSR.

What you utterly and blitheringly ignore is that many
of those accomplishments were REDUCTION of big
government.  In fact, EVERY major deregulation except
energy and the S&L industry, was pushed by the
democrats... and THOSE two deregulations were actually
klepto raids.

I'll be even more fair and allow that Welfare Reform
was bipartisan between Clinton and a Gingrich Congress
the very briefly had a moment of lucid sanity and
willingness to negotiate pragmatically.

But the utter hypocrisy of calling the democrats the
party of Big Government when:

Federal payrolls dropped under BC and skyrocketed
under Bush.
Ditto deficits
Dito government secrecy.

Ditoo... O hell. What's the point.  If I finally do
show that fantastic FACTS, John would only credit it
all to delayed effects of REaganomics.

> 1) I somehow don't think that it is a winning
> strategy for the Democrats to
> argue that the nation aught to be preparing the
> armed forces to take on
> another major... mission.    Moreover, such a debate
> would inevitably turn
> into a referendum on the merits of the Iraq War, and
> the Republicans have
> already won the last time that was tried.

No, it was a referendum on BOTH Bill Clinton's
wonderful Afghanistan plan (which W executed and kept
his hands off) and the wretched Rumsfeld generalship. 
Just wait till enough generals retire and talk about

> 3) There is no question that the biggest division in
> Republican ranks right
> now is the immigration issue.   Again, the history
> of the Democrats makes
> this a difficult change to make.

Crap again.  The UNIVERSAL history is that dems better
support the Border Patrol.  It is a quirk of social
thinking that keeps them from bragging.

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