On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:04:52 -0230, Travis Edmunds wrote

> He's a good bit of fun, I must say. Borders on annoying though 
> (sorry Nick!). But I really can't say much seeing as how most people 
> complain about my darling, Ken Jennings.

He has annoying genes, I'm sure.

I was wondering if you were talking about *that* Bob, but figured that was 
just my ego sneaking in.

What's he done now?  I don't expect to be home tonight at 7:30... should I set 
the VCR?

Oh, and he spent a few years of his life as a professional stand-up comic on 
college campuses, so I would hope he manages to be fun, if not funny.  He's 
scary smart.


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