At 11:59 AM 4/15/2005 -0400, Max wrote:
>JDG wrote:
>  > Let's connect the dots:
>> -human life begins at conception
>This is scientifically debateable.  

Really?   This would require the [group of cells] to be something other
than human life between the meeting of the sperm and the egg, and the
beginning of human life.   During this time the [group of cells] would have
to be either: a) not human or b) not alive or c) both.  

>You can debate that the early embryonic stages up to some particular 
>event (say, brain development) are not much different from any other 
>organ in a person's body.

Why would brain development distinguish the [group of cells] in question
from the mother's body?     

How would you apply your definition to other organisms in the mother's
body, such as bacteria, parasitic worms, ticks, etc.?

>However, for me, or any other guy, this debate is merely intellectual at 
>best.  It is easy for men to make decrees on abortion because they will 
>never actually experience such a scenario first hand.  That's the main 
>reason I personally support "pro-choice", just because I truly believe 
>it is not for any man to decide (not the President, not any male member 
>of Congress).

Have you ever owned slaves?    Just wondering.....


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