Dan M. wrote:
> Right, and I have a very recent one in my hip pocket, so to speak. 
>  I just wanted to see if folks would assign it a value before seeing 
> the results. :-)

I suspect as much when I read your original message.... and I have to
wonder, isn't withholding such evidence - indeed withholding that you have
a priori knowledge of this evidence - in those circumstances the equivalent
of baiting?    Then again, you recently offered to compare economic growth
during the Great Depression to that of World War II...... so I'm not sure
what you are thinking here.

>I think a reasonable measure of this would be the opinion of the people of
>Iraq.  Ideally, the question would be "are you better off than you were
>under Hussein" or "are you better off than you were three years ago."  But,
>a decent secondary question that indicates the opinion of the people of
>Iraq is "are things going in the right direction?"

I don't think that the questions are at all comparable (and I actually
suspect that the withheld results you have might even be in my favor -
though I don't know for sure.)   The "right direction" question is
inherently divorced from time.    For example, the results to that question
would be quite different in the week immediately after the election or
immediately after the swearing in of the new government vs. say in the past
week.     I do not believe, however, that this question inspires the
populace to make a comparison with life under Saddam Hussein.


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