At 07:14 PM 5/16/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>> I suppose it does.  But that is dramatically
>> different from "defending 
>> abortion."  One can defend the legality of abortion
>> without endorsing it.  The 
>> fact that something is wrong and undesirable, even
>> horrible, cannot imply that 
>> it must be made illegal. Otherwise, wouldn't we have
>> to make war illegal, for 
>> example?
>> Nick
>We already have.  Kellogg-Briand, 1928.  They won the
>Nobel Peace Prize for it.  It was signed by, among
>other states, Germany, Japan, and Italy.

I'd also point out that if we want to extend the analogy, that if something
is considered to be undesiribale, but should still be available as a legal
resort, then one generally supports restrictions on it.

We have discussed numerous restrictions on war (even the most red-blooded
conservative doesn't believe that the US should choose a war without
restriction).    On the other hand, we still don't have any examples of the
liberal Democrats supporting restrictions on abortion - and I even made the
question multiple choice! 


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