--- Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gautam,
> > --- Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> This guy's head -- and apparently, his heart --
> is completely empty.
> >
> > I'd say that that description is much more
> accurate of the anti-war
> > movement that's cruelly using this poor woman.
> She went there of her own accord. What others do
> with that is their
> choice. Some, like the neo-con echo-chamber, are
> cruelly abusing her.
> That's their choice, too.

Dave, you flawlessly agree with everything everybody
on the antiwar left says.  I really don't think the
echo-chamber thing is really something you want to
bring up.  

> She and a group of others met with him prior to the
> revelations that
> this war of choice was entered into on a foundation
> of lies. She was
> mildly polite about their last meeting, and has
> changed her mind as the
> falsehoods that cost her son his life have piled up.

There used to be a photo on her family website of the
President kissing her.  Possibly she's (at the urging
of people like Michael Moore) changed her story?  The
evidence suggests that this is the case.

> In the piece cited by this Bush apologist, I do not
> find the claim of
> anti-Semitism claim that you assert. He quotes her
> noting the PNAC pro-
> Israel basis for the war as a reason that her child
> died. Do you confuse
> her rejection of blind support for Israel as
> anti-Semitism? I guess it
> is no longer permitted to criticize Israel. I'm sick
> of people shouting
> anti-Semitism every time Israel is criticized.

Hitchens is a socialist and an atheist, incidentally. 
Clearly a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy. 
Not everyone who defends the war is a Bush apologist. 
Many of us are capable of independent thought.  Since
you parrot the far-left anti-war movement flawlessly,
who are you an apologist for, exactly?  You clearly
don't know much about PNAC (I even applied for a
summer internship there once - quite a Jewish
conspiracy that would have made, with the Hindu guy in
the background).  But I think her belief that we
fought this war for Israel at the behest of a Jewish
cabal is pretty obviously anti-semitic.  If you
believe that, have the balls to say so.  If you don't,
have the decency to repudiate it.  

> I support people with whom I agree, so I probably
> wouldn't get behind
> the Mukundas' pro-war rally. Nonetheless, they would
> be as much under
> Maureen Dowd's  claim that "The moral authority of
> parents who bury
> children killed in Iraq is absolute." as Cindy
> Sheehen is. I would
> disagree with their stated aim, but endorse their
> right to declare it.

That is the most intellectually vapid argument it is
possible to make.  You have the _right_ to declare
that you are an armadillo.  No one is suggesting that
you don't.  The point is, would President Bush (or,
say, Howard Dean) be mindless and heartless for
refusing to meet with them?  You can't have it both
ways.  Unless you are, of course, mindless and
heartless and just using this poor woman to make
political points.

> > How do you feel rallying to someone supported by
> David Duke
> > (http://www.davidduke.com/index_print.php?p=350) -
> it seems to me that
> > people willing to exploit a poor, bereaved woman
> as she lashes out to
> > assuage her grief should be comfortable in his
> company.
> I don't play that game with you, and it is a game.
> Dave

Well, Dave, line up with the anti-semites and people
are going to draw conclusions.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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