On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 17:10:40 -0700 (PDT), Gautam Mukunda wrote

> It can't be an ad hominem attack if
> I'm saying you believe in things that _you appear to
> believe in_.

It is an ad hominem when you say that we are intellectually cowardly and

> There, see?  Not hard at all.  I'm happy to believe
> that you and Dave weren't even _aware_ of these parts
> of her views.  

Gautam, I actually have sat with Cindy and heard what she has to say about
Israel.  I'm telling you that she's not anti-Semitic.  I'm not going to go
along with your notion that I need to disavow her anti-Semitism because it
simply doesn't exist.

She has oversimplified the role of Israel in the politics of the war, in my
view.  That's Israel, the nation, not Jews as an ethnic or religious group. 
Cindy is not some sort of astute political analyst, nor do I think anyone
should expect her to be so.  She is putting a mother's face on the brutality
of the war, which I think we easily lose sight of as we defend the nobility of
our nation's values.


Nick Arnett
Voicemail: 408-904-7198


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