Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> What makes you say he _was_ a major player in getting
> us involved?  He was the Deputy Secretary of Defense. 
> Can you name the Deputy Secretary of a single other
> Department?  

Have any other Deputy Secretaries given major interviews on the most
controversial topic of the day? Until I read this thread I had no idea
that Wolfie was a Jew, but I remember him basically because of his
statement that the administration went ahead with the WMD
rationalisation/charges because it seemed to be the most convenient way
to garner support for the invasion of Iraq. It was the Vanity Fair
interview, and if I recall correctly, he also said that the invasion of
Iraq would undercut AQ propaganda because it would enable the US to
withdraw it troops from SA. 

>  The
> _only_ below-Cabinet rank figures of any significance
> most people have ever heard of are Wolfowitz and
> Richard Perle.  One guess as to what they have in common.

*That* I know! They were both very visible and vocal in their support
for the invasion of Iraq. Perle gave countless interviews describing
Saddam's Iraq as a terrorist state, but what I recall the best about him
is the fact that he admitted that the invasion was illegal.

And all that stuff about Wolfie not being a major player is well and
good from the point of view of administrative details but it certainly
doesn't support your contention that the only reason people have heard
of them is because they are Jews [that is if Perle is a Jew...?]. 



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