Dave Land wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2005, at 3:12 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> We have this great human disaster that is occuring, and people here
>> seem to be much happier to discuss how much gas will cost them
>> because of this inconvenient storm or beat their political drums.
>> Damn the yuppification of America!
>> No one talks about the human misery that *should* be the focus of 
>> our
>> attention.
>> A bit disgusting.
> I'm pretty sure that those of us who are inclined to take action to
> alleviate that suffering are just doing so and not talking about it 
> on
> the list.
Are you suggesting that I am concerned over who is giving the biggest 
donation or somesuch?
Jeez Dave, millions of people are suffering, God only knows how many 
are dead.
And the discussion I'm seeing revolves around how it effects our 

I think I made an extremely valid criticism.

I don't shed tears over gas prices, but the human misery I see 
everytime I turn on my TV is breaking my heart. Maybe I am taking on 
too much in personalizing the pain of others, but I cannot be accused 
of not caring.

I remember how this list reacted after 911. The reaction is in no way 
the same this time. It is like most of us have built up a callous over 
our feelings and are evading discussion of the worst disaster any of 
us have ever seen in this country.

Perhaps I am just more aware of the situation than most of you. Or 
perhaps it is just a matter of how I perceive the discussions.
I'm angry over the way the disaster has been handled, and maybe my 
anger is spilling over onto the list.
But I honestly expected to see some evidence that people gave a shit 
enough that they would talk about it, and that feeling has been 
simmering in me ever since the non-discussion of the tsunami last 
Something that used to live on this list seems to me to be lost and I 
miss it like I would miss a friend I loved.

I'm not really interested in excuses why things have gone the way they 
have, but I would like to hear that you understand how I feel.

Pain Maru


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