Rob wrote:

Evac becomes mandatory tomorrow at noon.
The storm is a cat 5 now with 165 MPH winds.
I imagine Dan is worried by now.
I hope Gary Denton is safe.
I hope the storm stays away from the rest of the Texas Mafia.
I hope I don't lose my home.
I hope my son is safe on the other side of town.
I hope the little old lady next door is going to be safe.
I hope I don't have to start over again.
I hope I don't lose contact with the list.
I hope my city isn't destroyed.
I hope it isn't too bad.
I hope I won't cry if it is.(But I will)
I hope my spirit will sustain me.
I hope I won't lose heart.
I hope I don't lose track of my family.
I hope I can sleep tonight.
I wish I wasn't afraid.

I hope it hits colder water and dies down.
Barring that I hope that the lessons learned from Katrina pay dividends and few are hurt or killed.
I hope that you and Dan and Gary  and all your families ride it out safely.
I hope that these terrible storms aren't just a hint of what may come in future years.
I hope...


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