----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: Bitter Fruit

> Dan wrote:
>> But, you are putting forth a different question.  Whether the Bush
>> Administration thought Iraq posed a significant threat to the US. 
>> I think that's true.  I think, especially after 9-11, they made the 
>> connection, and proof texted the intelligence, ignoring every 
>> caveat, to find proof of what they already knew.  And, with all due 
>> respect, I think the "blood for oil" argument is a left wing 
>> parallel of their mythology.
> But, gee whiz, we've not only got strategic control of the Iraqi oil 
> fields, we've got record high oil prices and oil company profits! 
> Its a win win!!  And giant corporate friends of the president get 
> huge no bid contracts!  Win, win, win!!!   And it's all because of 
> the war on terror, so its all the terrorist's fault. Win, win, win, 
> win!!!!  Golly, gee whiz, how convenient is that?!?!!

Has anyone factored in increased demand from China and India as a 
partial reason for higher Oil/Gas prices?
I seem to recall that was an issue about a year or so ago.

No Simple Answers Maru


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