Maru wrote:

On 1/13/06, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think you can make a good argument that the terrorists have won
They have caused us to volunteer to give up some freedom and
convenience. If *I* have to be searched to travel from Houston to
Memphis or Atlanta, then we have given up something. And I don't think
this exact method of protection has actually made us safer than some
less rigorous method would or could....... Unless one considers Mrs.
Smith from Peoria to be a serious threat.

Fragile Maru

I would argue that what they've won is a ~trillion dollar unnecessary
military expenditure (even if you discount Stiglitz's estimate solely
for the Iraq War, I'd say lumping in homeland security expenditures
for the War on Terror and the costs of Afghanistan definitely bump the
total cost of 9/11 up to one trill, easy).

One hell of a bang for their buck.

It goes alot farther than that. They've killed two thousand and maimed several more thousand of us in Iraq, Iran has been radicalized and third world countries the world over have been alienated. How many left wing governments are there in South America now? Iraq has served as a recruiting ground and a rallying point for terrorists the world over. Meanwhile the major economic powers are divided amongst themselves, and the people of this country have sorted themselves into red and blue camps, increasingly antagonistic towards one another.

I really don't think that the terrorists could have imagined a better script for themselves.


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