On Mar 23, 2006, at 12:20 AM, Julia Thompson wrote:

The laws in the US vary from state to state. Texas does something fairly reasonable -- I've forgotten the age of consent, but if one person is on one side and the other is on the other side, if the difference in ages is a certain margin or less (again, I've forgotten what that is -- I never had reason to worry about it here!), it's not statutory rape. So if you're 2 months older than the age of consent and you boink someone 3 months younger than you (i.e., younger than the age of consent, but close to you in age) it's OK. And 2 people under the age of consent going at it isn't considered statutory rape.

Sounds remarkably sensible... shame some other states seem to be wanting to go back to the century before last in terms of contraception and abortion.


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