At 10:29 PM Wednesday 3/22/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 06:24 PM Wednesday 3/22/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:

The Fool wrote:

You don't do it because it is easy.  You do it because it is hard.  If
you are really looking for some hardcore programmming to do as a hobby
try starting here:
None of that sissy c++.  All hardcore ASM.



ASseMbly language . . .

Thanks, I thought that might be it.

Yeah, assembly is kick-ass. (I have no idea how to program in it, but I've seen some pretty sweet performance enhancements just by tweaking in assembly for crucial bits. Seen benchmarks and stuff. Cool.)


Being pretty much in 1-1 correspondence with machine language, it also offers you the opportunity to get into places you probably shouldn't be and mess things up royally, even (in fact, usually) unintentionally . . .

I may have told this story before, but bear with me: when I was a freshman, the university had rather recently gone to a 4-1-4 schedule, making the month of January a mini-term during which they intended to offer classes not offered during the regular fall, spring, or summer terms. (By the time a couple of more years had passed, it turned out that what most students wanted from the January mini-term was an opportunity to take one of the courses that the university required everybody to take outside their majors and get it out of the way instead of taking something to broaden one's horizons.) Many of the freshman math majors took a course in constructing synthetic proofs. Of course, as a double major, only one of which was math, and a polygonal peg of some order from the beginning, I took the course on molecular orbital theory offered by the chemistry department. (I may have mentioned at some time in the past that until I was I think about a sophomore in high school I was considering majoring in chemistry.) The idea of MO theory in a nutshell is that although we cannot get an exact solution to the Schrödinger equation in the general case (for the same reason we cannot get an exact solution to the general 3-body problem, much less the general n-body problem, in celestial mechanics), we can use algebra to get approximate solutions which allow us to the electrons in the various orbitals in the individual atoms interact when the atoms bond together to make a molecule. Part of the process involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. The dimensions of the matrix increase as the number of atoms in the molecule increases, and even though the matrices tend to be rather sparse (almost, but not quite, in the case of many molecules tridiagonal), doing the eigenanalysis by hand gets old pretty fast. At the time (Jan 72), I had never touched a computer. So, although it wasn't required for that class, I learned enough FORTRAN to make some attempt to do calculations for some larger, more "interesting" molecules than we had covered in class. Some of the others in that class already knew more about programming, and one guy in particular came up with a pretty good program (better than anything I came up with).

A year or so later, and I had been learning a bit more about programming on my own (including going to an off-campus source to get the standard book on assembly language programming for the machine we had and going through it on my own), and so I was one of the lab assistants qualified to have a key to the campus computer room and sit down there in the evenings and answer any questions anyone taking any computer course might have. :P The guy I mentioned who had written the program during that mini-term MO class was taking the assembly language class that semester. Every time he came in to run his solution to one of the assigned projects, the first thing I did was to I open the desk drawer and get out the so-called "cold-start" card (the punched card which when run through the card reader would re-boot the computer) and have it ready, because every time he ran his attempted solution, the machine died an unnatural death. The really strange thing was that I could never figure out what he had in his program which caused it, no matter how much I looked at his listing, the console display of no-longer blinking lights that told where it had stopped, etc., and neither could anyone else. To cause the problem he must have been telling it to access something he shouldn't or to overwrite some location he shouldn't have been in or something of that nature, but as I said afaik no one was ever able to figure out just where he was going astray. I dunno if he ever got that program to run, although apparently no one else in the class had problems, or at least their problems did not cause the machine to lock up _every_ time they tried their program . . .

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER GOD. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"
   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


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