JDG wrote:

> What are you basing your view of "most peoples' usage" on?   I would
> love to see your evidence on this point.  So far as I know, I am using
> abortion in the standard sense of the killing of a unborn child.

There is nothing standard about using the term 'abortion' to refer to
'killing an unborn child'. The standard defintion of abortion covers areas
like 'termination of pregnancy', or 'the expulsion of a foetus' [hint: in
the latter definition, do consider just where the foetus is supposed to be
expelled from]. In fact, in all my 34 years, you are the first person I've
ever come across who seems to think that clumps of cell on a petri dish
can be aborted. I would like to see *your* evidence that this is a
standard usage of the term.

> Which brings me back to my question - what term would you have me use
> for the killing of unborn unimplanted children?

Discarding foetuses, or implants, works for me.

And I must say that while I can easily think of implanted zygotes as
children [especially when they are mine], it is too much of a stretch for
me to consider unimplanted ones as kids. Might as well start feeling
guilty about deforestation everytime I eat a sprout...



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