JDG wrote:

That's like saying that the problem isn't robbery, its that other
people have more stuff than me!    And like saying that if you
outlaw murder, people will still commit murders - you haven't solved

That's one way of looking at it. Another is that we do everything we can to treat the root problem with robbery; we teach our children that its wrong, we lock our doors etc. etc., but we don't take the prevention of the conditions that lead to abortions as seriously because many of our religions are against the solutions that have been proven to work well (such as sex education and contraception.) Another problem with your analogy is that just about everyone agrees that robbery is flat out wrong while a large majority disagree with your view that the only time an abortion should be allowed is when the life of the mother is in jeopardy.

Sorry, but a societal recognition that human life begins at
conception, and a general prohibition on abortion will certainly
reduce the number of abortions from today's level.

That may be true, but such recognition is highly unlikely to happen. I think that you dedication is laudible but that you are tilting at windmills. I would think that changing the Catholic Church's stance on contraception would also be effective in reducing the number of abortions, and that it would be easier to accomplish.

Given how many people are dying, I sometimes wonder if I have any
other choice.  Or as the pro-choice Michael Kinsley recently put it:
"sincere right-to-lifers deserve respect as that rarity in modern
American politics: a strong interest group defending the interest of
someone other than themselves."

Thanks for the compliment.



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