On 27/07/2006, at 8:20 AM, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

Charlie Bell wrote:

Specially if gay men decide to have children. So, maybe we will
have the hellish opposite scenario of the lesbian utopia: a world
where most people are gay men :-/


Or we'll just have a 50:50 world, where 10% of people are
homosexual.  As we do now.

10%? I think this number is inflated.

Rounded for pithiness. As I rounded the 50:50... it should be 51.5:48.5, and 9.13% combined total of people that have had an extensive homosexual encounter at some time...

Lifelong exclusive homosexuals are a lower percentage, but lifelong exclusive heterosexuals are less common than you'd think, as a many people (most adolescent boys, indeed) have a phase of having a crush on an older person of the same gender, even though only a few actually follow up on this. It seems to be a normal part of growing up. That's apes for you.


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