> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Nick Arnett
> Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 10:12 AM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: RFK Jr. interview
> On 7/29/06, jdiebremse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
>  Indeed, I'd argue that you have your
> > causality reversed - they weren't telling us those things that
> > weren't true to justify the war, they were trying to justify the war
> > because they were telling us those things that weren't true.
> Sorry, but I keep reading that over and over, but I can't understand it.
> Try again?

I think I understand what JDG was getting at.  He was arguing that the
honest assessment of Bush et. al., given the data they had, was that Hussein
had been developing WMD for years....dating back to the time when vast areas
were declared off limits to inspectors as Presidential Palaces...which
totaled thousands of acres I think....this was back in early 1998, as far as
I can recall.

At the time, Clinton warned the nation that we might need to go to war to
stop the WMD development.  In the end, he and the British bombed the
suspected sites.

So, the argument that Clinton thought they had dangerous WMDs, and that the
European intelligence agencies thought they had WMDs is accurate.  The
difference of opinion was over the existence of WMDs, but on the extent of
the risk to the world from the WMDs.  My feeling at the time was that the
sanctions were at least partially effective, and could be made more
effective, given the situation after 9-11.  I thought it was years before
Hussein posed a real threat to world stability.  

>From what I read at the time, the consensus analysis of the professionals
was closer to my view than to Bush's view that we needed to act now.  The
other side of things, and most important to me, was the difference over how
straightforward setting up a democracy in Iraq would be.  I feared
something, well, more or less along the lines of what happened.  AFAIK, Bush
bought the Chabali scenario lock stock and barrel.  They key point, to me,
was when he shelved the State Department plan for recovery for a non-plan of
wishful thinking....Chabali would set up a democracy, oil would start
pumping at a high rate....supporting the Irqui economy, and we would succeed
within a year, with a grateful nation offering us long term bases. 

My criticism of Bush is not that he lied, but that he used bad technique in
evaluating data.  I've seen management at companies I worked for do
this...cherry picking data that supports their views as the highest quality
data and ignoring the rest.  One way to look at it is that Bush took a
position that was 3-sigma high compared to the nominal evaluation of the
risk.  The reality was 3-sigma low compared to the evaluation.  But, no-one
_knew_ this was true.  Few thought it logical that Hussein lied and
interfered with the inspectors at every turn to hide the fact that he _did
not_ have WMD.  

Dan M. 


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